Apa perbedaan antara pekerja sosial dan relawan sosial. Pixabay.com |
Apaperbedaan antara pekerja sosial dan relawan sosial
Keduanya memang terkait
dengan pemberian bantuan kepada masyarakat. Namun yang paling penting dalam
membedakannya adalah relawan bersifat non profesi sedangkan pekerja sosial merupakan
profesi yang salah satu tahapan wajibnya adalah menempuh pendidikan formal.
praktik pekerja sosial
- 1. Upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial
- 2.
Upaya meningkatkan keberfungsian sosial
- 3.
Pencegahan disfungsi sosial
- 4.
Pengembangan sosial
- 5.
Rehabilitasi sosial
- 6.
Pemberdayaan sosial
- 7.
Perlindungan sosial
Buku saku pekerja sosial
What is the difference between a social worker and a social volunteer
Both are indeed related to providing assistance to the community. However, the most important thing in distinguishing it is that volunteers are non-professional while social workers are professions whose one of the mandatory stages is to take formal education.
Practical activities of social workers
1. Efforts to improve social welfare
2. Efforts to improve social functioning
3. Prevention of social dysfunction
4. Social development
5. Social rehabilitation
6. Social empowerment
7. Social protection
Social worker pocketbook