Webinar Resume in commemoration of National Health Day 2023, Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Seamless Transition from Hospital Based to Community Based

Webinar Resume in commemoration of National Health Day 2023, Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Seamless Transition from Hospital Based to Community Based

RSJ Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang Tuesday held a webinar activity commemorating national health day, November 28, 2023 at 08.00-12.00 WIB. The webinar was opened by Dr. Yuniar, Sp.KJ, MMRS, Director of RSJ Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang, Indonesia "Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Seamless Transition from Hospital Based to Community Based. 

This webinar was attended by Prof. Mohan Isaac (Consultant Psychiatrist, Fremantle Hospital, Australia 🇦🇺 & Retired Professor of Psychiatry, NIMHANS, Bangalore, India 🇮🇳), Prof. dr. A. Jayalangkara Tanra, Ph.D, Sp. KJ (K) (Chairman of the Indonesian Mental Medicine Specialist Association), Mahrus As'ari, S.Tr.Kes (Chairman of the Indonesian Occupational Therapist Association), Dr. Puji Pujiono, MSW (Chairman of the Independent Professional Social Workers of Indonesia).

While on this webinar occasion it was filled by first Chih-Yuan Lin, MD (Taipei Veteran General Hospital Yuli Branch, Taiwan), second Dr. Anna Purnamasari Sugijanti, Sp.KJ (Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang Mental Hospital), third Edy Cahyono (Founder of Yayasan Bhakti Kinasih Mandiri). 

One of the media partners of the webinar is the social welfare student association of Jember University.One of the questioners Andi Rosyad Skills as an important part in occupational therapy. Many occupational therapists roll up their sleeves. Facilitators, providing support and training.

One of the questioners andi rosyad, christina andriani karya asih orphanage one of the orphanages in Indonesia conveyed that there are professions that support then the speakers conveyed that there are social workers, occupational therapists also support each other.

Lahargo kembaren from marzuki mahdi bogor asked about the mental community in taiwan using several social worker roles there.

Doctor Anna Purnamasari conveyed the profile of Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang Mental Hospital which is located in Sumber Porong village, Lawang District, Malang Regency. She delivered psychosocial rehabilitation. Geriatric psychiatry services at Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang Mental Hospital. 

Posyandu Jiwa Blandit Singosari Subdistrict is one of the assisted works of RSJ Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang. One of the works is batik ciprat former people with mental disorders.

The last speaker was the founder of the Bhakti Kinasih Foundation in Blitar, East Java. The rehabilitation period is six months and is free of charge. The process of accepting clients at Kinasih is first assessed.

Several activities for clients are carried out health checks, regular consumption of healthy food every day, religious activities tailored to their respective beliefs and skills activities, especially batik such as batik tulis. Batik ciprat is one of the icons of the work of clients with mental disabilities assisted by Kinasih Blitar Foundation.

Clients with mental disabilities are also given protection while working through BPJS Employment paid by Yayasan Kinasih Blitar.

Families and communities also have a stake in the healing of clients with mental disabilities. They have the same rights as humans in general, they are rehabilitated for free, financing from commercialized work (mfdc).

Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Seamless Transition from Hospital Based to Community Based
Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Seamless Transition from Hospital Based to Community Based